I really wish I can sleep well tonight just like the above picture hehehhe..
(I was 2 days old)
And I wish I can play happily as always
I really wish I can sleep well tonight just like the above picture hehehhe..
(I was 2 days old)
And I wish I can play happily as always
Guess apa yang @ liat..? Again its BARNEY.. hhhehe..
@ & Mama tunggu Babah dalam kerita pasal Babah bali barang makan
There he is... I LOVE U Babah..
@ ready kan ke Empire Hotel (still at home)
My beloved Babah
Picture taken when we arrived at our 2408 room
Happy Family Forever
LOVE them both
@ berulah (as usual) ehhehehe...
@ syok sendiri, makan sambil melimpang. Rupa2nya Mama inda sadar the time was 1600 and its time for me to eat and that is why @ makan kuih sendiri2 *sob*
@ ready to swim at the Pantai
Our future car (LEXUS) hehehe...
Some area at the Empire Hotel
BoohhhHHHhhhh napa ya amet ahhhh..?? hahhahah...
Wawa Family... That's my Kaka Alya
Ayah2 menjaga anak2 heheh..
Sister2 ~ Ervinna (mum) & Ermawaty (wawa gal)
Syok eyyhhh but @ inda mau tinjak the pasir so Babah have to kipak me hehehe...
Anti Nur amah Wawa
Amet Gal (nice background)
The twin sister
Mama bergambar saja coz ia inda swim
Whose leg is that???
Its soooooOOOooo nice.....