Wednesday, 22 April 2009


Hai Babies,
I'm not well since yesterday pm. We went back home from Nenex's house and I kept on crying and when Mama checked my temperature it was 38.1 so she gave me panadol immediately and went to sleep on my mum's body. About an hour later, I woke up and feel much2 better but still PANAS.
Today, ALHAMDULILAH my temperature went down but still panas jua la.
Doakan @ supaya lakas2 recover k. And to my Dedex Adi, hope you get well soon k (Wawa Gal told Mama Dedex pun sakit). Maybe we were so tired and restless from last weekend.

I really wish I can sleep well tonight just like the above picture hehehhe..

(I was 2 days old)

And I wish I can play happily as always

Got to go now babies. I have to take my rest and go to sleep now.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009


Hai Babies,

As I mentioned through my previous post, last Saturday we really enjoyed ourselves together. The whole family went to the Empire Hotel. It was soooo much fun to be with them.

We arrived at the hotel @ 15:00+. We checking in and waited the rest to come. Before we went to Bandar, we bought some food for us to bring to the hotel (refer Empire Hotel - Part 1).

My grandparents will be coming to the hotel soon after Nenex Boy went back from work. So all of us went for swimming at the Pantai. We really2 happy and enjoyed it so much, especially my Dedex Adi (inda lagi mau di pigang oleh Wawa Boy) - Refer Empire Hotel part 2

Malam, soon Nenex arrived at the hotel, we went to Tamu Gadong to buy some food because we gonna watch Akademi Fantasia at the hotel. I went to sleep on the way to Tamu Gadong so I stayed in the car with Amet Boy and Amet Gal ZZZzzzzZZZZz.....

The next day (Sunday), we went for a swim at the pool. We went to the Jacuzzi pool and to the actual pool later. WOooooHHoooo.... I love to swim. Refer Empire Hotel Part 3

At 12:00 we checked out and went to Aminah Arif.. The food was excellent. Refer Empire Hotel Part Mamam

Shopping in the next target after we had our lunch. So we went for shopping till we drop and went back home to our Home Sweet Home.

TO ALL MY FAMILY: It was so much fun to spend time with you guys (as always). Thank You for the time that you can spent with the three (my parents & I) of us. Looking forward to the next stay over (on Nenex Boy heheheh). P/S: We need each other now and then.



Guess apa yang @ liat..? Again its BARNEY.. hhhehe..

@ & Mama tunggu Babah dalam kerita pasal Babah bali barang makan

There he is... I LOVE U Babah..

@ ready kan ke Empire Hotel (still at home)


My beloved Babah

Picture taken when we arrived at our 2408 room

Happy Family Forever

LOVE them both

@ berulah (as usual) ehhehehe...

@ syok sendiri, makan sambil melimpang. Rupa2nya Mama inda sadar the time was 1600 and its time for me to eat and that is why @ makan kuih sendiri2 *sob*

@ ready to swim at the Pantai

Our future car (LEXUS) hehehe...

Some area at the Empire Hotel

BoohhhHHHhhhh napa ya amet ahhhh..?? hahhahah...

Wawa Family... That's my Kaka Alya

Ayah2 menjaga anak2 heheh..

Sister2 ~ Ervinna (mum) & Ermawaty (wawa gal)

Syok eyyhhh but @ inda mau tinjak the pasir so Babah have to kipak me hehehe...

Anti Nur amah Wawa

Amet Gal (nice background)

The twin sister

Mama bergambar saja coz ia inda swim

Whose leg is that???

Its soooooOOOooo nice.....